Friday, October 23, 2009


Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

There are certain things I've found you never fully understand. Lots of things. I've also found, though, that parenthood makes a lot of these things a little more clear. Lately, for me, it's been this verse. Specifically, one word. Rest. More specifically, where God's heart is when He says "Come to me...and I will give you rest."

Since he was born, Ben has been a great sleeper. He wasn't 2 months old and was sleeping through the night. Early on, I'd wonder if it was OK that he was napping for 2 hours. My sister warned me, though, they all start out that way. Her exact words "Yeah, that's how they all start out. Eating, pooping, rock sleepers." I have a funny sister. Once he hit a growth spurt and began to develop his individual personality and opinions, albeit non-verbal, this sleeping wasn't so solid. Naps went from 2 hours to a mere 30 minutes, he began waking up 1-2 times at night, and sometimes was (and still is) hard to put to bed at night. No matter how sleepy he is- red eyes, yawns, whining- he sometimes just can't stay still and go to sleep. It reminds me of this verse, and how desperately Father God simply wants to hold us and let us rest in Him. How many times in life do I squirm, wiggle, whine, and fuss trying to change or fix things in my life? Things that can only be fixed by rest in the arms of a tender, loving Daddy. When Ben finally calms down, finally rests and sleeps in my arms, it makes my heart smile. These are some of the deepest bonding times I'm blessed to experience with my little boy. I study his face, wonder what his future holds, pray blessing upon him, and dream about the plans God has for his life. In the same way, the times I stop trying to fix things on my own, crying, stressing, worrying, I come to know my loving God in a new way. He reveals His desire to be close to me once again. He speaks to my heart His love for me. And I, as much as I do what I can in my human nature to aviod it, receive the rest and refreshing my spirit needs.

What are you carrying with you? What do you need your Father God to provide you relief from? Let Him. Go get some rest. :)