Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'm pretty sure I've been thinking about getting my blog started since September. In fact, I know I have because that's when my Google account was created. Since then, we've moved into our own place, settled into a new church, and I've even transferred centres at Jenny...again. Nevertheless, here I am-blogging.

In thinking about exactly what I'll be blogging about in the near future, if you're not a fan of growing bellies, mood swings, sleepless nights and crying babies, this may not be a blog to follow. Austin and I are expecting our first little one, Benjamin Troy, in April. April 3rd to be exact, and if he's anything like his mom, he'll be here on the 1st!

Until he comes, though, all I've got to blog about is pre-pregnancy experiences. The one that's probably been the topic of conversation the most is the crazy things people do and say to you just because you're pregnant. For instance, when Austin and I first arrived at our church, it was announced that we were expecting. Fabulous! I love telling people I'm pregnant! However, a couple weeks later, a woman I had spoken to very briefly (and only once) came and grabbed my not-so-big-yet belly! The comments, though, are probably my favorite. Some classics: "I can't believe how much you're eating", "That baby sure is hungry today, huh?", "Wow! You're BIG! You still have 3 months?!", "You're going to have a BIG baby! You'll probably have to have a c-section." My friends and family reading this are all rolling their eyes at this point for a couple reasons: 1. They know I'm the most obsessive compulsive person in the world when it comes to my weight (Hey, you try working at Jenny Craig for 4 years and not caring how much you weigh!) and 2. This is probably just about all I've been venting about for the last 3 days. Maybe this blog will be a form of therapy, too?

Although this pregnancy is FLYING by, I'm sure there will be much more to blog about, and I'm excited to do it. And maybe, just maybe, there will be other things to blog about besides Ben once he gets here...but maybe not. ;)